Tag: 70-346

Powershell Commands to remember for the Microsoft 70-346 Exam

Powershell Commands to remember for the Microsoft 70-346 Exam

Office 365 70-346

Powershell Cmdlets to remember for the Microsoft 70-346: Managing Office 365 Identities and Requirements Exam

I have recently completed the Microsoft 70-346 ‘Managing Office 365 Identities and Requirements’ Exam. The Exam focuses quite a bit around PowerShell. Below is a list of PowerShell cmdlets which may appear in the exam.

Also, I’ve created a bunch of FlashCards that may be useful for studying for this exam. You can find them here:

Office 365 Management:

Connecting to Office 365 via PowerShell:
Import-Module MSOnline
$UserCredential = Get-CredentialConnect-MsolService -Credential $UserCredential

Return all the subscriptions that are in the Office 365 Tennant (Licence Type):

Returns a list of SKU’s that the company has in their Office 365 Tenant (Licence Count):

Create a New Office 365 User and Assign a license:
New-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName -DisplayName -FirstName -LastName -LicenseAssignment -UsageLocation

Note – The UsageLocation is required for assigning a license. A user can be created without a license and without the need for defining the UsageLocation

Disable undesirable services of a Licence Subscription for a new user (e.g. Sharepoint):
$LicenceOptions = New-MsolLicenseOptions -AccountSkuId -DisabledPlans "SHAREPOINTENTERPRISE"
New-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName -DisplayName -FirstName -LastName -LicenseAssignment -LicenseOptions $LO -UsageLocation

Set a license for a specific user:
Set-MsolUserLicense -UserPrincipalName "[email protected]" -AddLicenses

(UsageLocation must be set)

Set the Usage Location for a specific Office 365 User:
Set-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName -UsageLocation

Get a list of Domain Names assigned to your Office 365 Tennant:

Set a default Office 365 Domain Name:
Set-MsolDomain -Name o365.davidatkin.com -IsDefault

Remove a Domain Name from your Office 365 Tennant:
Remove-MsolDomain -DomainName o365.davidatkin.com -Force

Get the records required for Verifying a domain name in your Office 365 Tennant:
Get-MsolDomainVerificationDNS -DomainName o365.davidatkin.com
Get-MsolDomainVerificationDNS -DomainName o365.davidatkin.com -Mode DnstxtRecord
Get-MsolDomainVerificationDNS -DomainName o365.davidatkin.com -Mode Dnsmxrecord)

Get Office 365 to check that the Verification DNS Records against a domain are correct:
Confirm-MsolDomain -DomainName o365.davidatkin.com

Set the Office 365 Password Policy:
Set-MsolPasswordPolicy -DomainName -NotificationDays <30> -ValidityPeriod <90>

Set a single users Office 365 account to Password Never Expires:
Set-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName -PasswordNeverExpires $true

Disable the requirement for Strong Passwords for a single Office 365 User:
Set-MsolUser -UserPrincipleName -StrongPasswordRequired $false

Get a list of all Office 365 Users without a license assigned to their account:
Get-MsolUser -UnlicensedUsersOnly

Change an Office 365 Users User Principal Name (logon username):
Set-MsolUserPrincipalName -ObjectID

Get all members of a specific Office 365 Role:
$role = Get-MsolRole -RoleName "name"
Get-MsolRoleMember -RoleObjectId $role.ObjectId

Reset an Office 365 Users Password:
Set-MsolUserPassword -UserPrincipleName -NewPassword -ForceChangePassword $true

Get a list of Soft Deleted Users in the Office 365 Tenancy:
Get-MsolUser -UserPrincipleName -ReturnDeletedUsers

Permanently delete a Soft Deleted User in the Office 365 Tenancy:
Remove-MsolUser -UserPrincipleName -RemoveFromRecycleBin

Change a Domain authentication type to Single Sign On (SSO):

Azure Active Directory Rights Management (AADRM):

Connect to Azure Active Directory Rights Management (AADRM):
Import-Module aadrm
$UserCredential = Get-Credential
Connect-AadrmService -Credential $UserCredential

Control User Onboarding for Azure Active Directory Rights Management:
Set-AadrmOnboardingControlPolicy -SecurityGroupObjectID "ID"

Note: This must be a security group – Not a User

Enable only users with an Azure Active Directory Rights Management licence to protect documents:
Set-aadrmOnboardingControlPolicy -UserRmsUserLicence $true -Scope All

Get a list of all AADRM Administrators:

Remove administrative rights to the Azure Rights Management service for the user via their email address:
Remove-AadrmRoleBasedAdministrator -EmailAddress "[email protected]"

Enable the AADRM Super User Feature to allow users to encrypt and decrypt documents:

Disable the AADRM Super User Feature to allow users to encrypt and decrypt documents:

Grant an Office 365 User AADRM Super User rights by Email Address:
Add-AadrmSuperUser -EmailAddress "[email protected]"

Grant an Office 365 Group AADRM Super User rights by Email Address:
Add-AadrmSuperUserGroup -GroupEmailAddress [email protected]

Get a list of current AADRM Super User Users:

Show the current AADRM Super User Group:

Remove the AADRM Super User Group:

As an Azure Active Directory Rights Management SuperUser, get the status of a file to see if it is protected by RMS:
Get-RMSFileStatus -File ""

Import the RMS Protection Module into PowerShell (For AADRM Super Users):
Import-Module RMSProtection

Protect/UnProtect a file as an AADRM Super User:
Protect-RMSFile -File ""
UnProtect-RMSFile -File ""

Get a list of current RMS Templates:

Enable RMS integration with Exchange Online:
Set-IRMConfiguration -RMSOnlineKeySharingLocation "https://sp-rms.na.aadrm.com/TenantManagement/ServicePartner.svc"
Import-RMSTrustedPublishingDomain -RMSOnline -Name "RMS Online"
Set-IRMConfiguration -InternalLicensingEnabled $true Test-IRMConfiguration -Sender

Connect to Exchange Online:
$Cred = Get-Credential
$Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri https://ps.outlook.com/powershell/ -Credential $Cred -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection
Import-PSSession $Session

Get a list of Office 365 Global Admins:
$role = Get-MsolRole -RoleName "Company Administrator"
Get-MsolRoleMember -RoleObjectID $role.ObjectId

Add/Remove an Office 365 User from a Role:
Add-MsolRoleMember -RoleName
Remove-MsolRoleMember -RoleName

Azure Active Directory Connect:

Get Configuration Settings about the Azure AD Scheduler:

Force an Immediate AD Sync Cycle:
Start-ADSyncSyncCycle -Policy Full

Stop a current AD Sync Cycle

Change the Azure AD Connect Sync Cycle interval:
Set-ADSyncScheduler -CustomizedSyncCycleInterval

Check the status of an ongoing AD Connector Sync:


Install ADFS On Windows Server 2012:
Install-WindowsFeature -Name ADFS-Federation -IncludeManagementTools

Install an Additional Server into an existing ADFS Farm:
Add-AdfsFarmNode -PrimaryComputerName -CertificateThumbprint -GroupServiceAccountIdentifier

Convert an existing Office 365 Managed Domain into a Federated Domain Name:
Convert-MsolDomainToFederated -DomainName o365.davidatkin.com

Convert a Federated Domain back to a ‘Standard’ Office 365 Managed Domain:

Convert a Federated User back to an Office 365 Managed User Account:

Specify the Primary Federation Server when installing an additional Server into an Existing Farm (Command to be run if not on the Primary Server):
Set-MsolADFSContect -Computer

Set the ADFS Organization Information Properties by piping infromation from the New-AdfsOrganization command:
$MyOrg = New-AdfsOrganization -DisplayName "Org Name" -OrganizationUrl "http://"
Set-AdfsProperties -OrganizationInfo $MyOrg

Get existing ADFS Settings:

Set a new SSL Certificate on Federation Servers:
Set-AdfsCertificate -Thumbprint

Set a new SSL Certificate onto ADFS WAP Servers:
Set-WebApplicationProxySslCertificate -Thumbprint

Set a new ADFS Communications Certificate:
Set-AdfsCertificate -CertificateType Service-Communications -Thumbprint

Customise Web Links and wording on the ADFS Logon Web Page:

Customise the Logo and Illustration on the ADFS Logon Web Page:

Create a new Theme for the ADFS Logon Web Page:
New-AdfsWebTheme -TargetName "Name"

Set the Active Theme for the ADFS Logon Web Page:
Set-AdfsWebConfig -ActiveThemeName

Enable Modern Authentication in Exchange Online:
Set-OrganizationConfig -OAuth2ClientProfileEnabled $true

Verify the status of Modern Authentication in Exchange Online:
Get-Organizationconfig | FT Name,*Oauth*

Enable Modern Authentication in Skype for Business Online:
Set-CdOAuthConfiguration -ClientAdalAuthOveride Allowed

Verify the status of Modern Authentication in Skype for Business Online:
Get-CdOAuthConfiguration | select *adal*

Change the Authentication of a Domain Name from Federated to Standard temporarily until ADFS can be repaired:
Set-MsolDomainAuthentication -DomainName -Authentication

Enable Multiple Federated Domain support:
Update-MSOLFederatedDomain -SupportMultipeDomain

Office 365 Monitoring:

Enable Exchange Online Mailbox Auditing:
Set-Mailbox -Identity -AuditEnabled $true

Add Owners Actions to the Exchange Online Mailbox Auditing:
Set-Mailbox -AuditOwner

Disable / Enable the Office 365 Admin Audit log:

Get Exchange Online Stale Mailbox Reports (Mailboxes not being used):

Get Exchange Online Usage Reports:

Carry out an Exchange Online Message Trace for the past 7-Days:

Carry out a Message Trace for Items upto 90 Days Old:

Show Historical Message Trace history for the past 10 Days:

Thank you for reading. If there are any errors or you feel there should be some addition’s, please comment and I will look at them. You may also be interested in the ‘Powershell Commands to remember for the Microsoft 70-347 Exam’ Article here:

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